How To Make Money With HOMEBIZ.101 þþþþ First: þ Purchase HOMEBIZ.101! You can have this complete, money-making package for less than the cost of taking the family out to eat! þþþþ Then: þ Read the many disk-based reports and books and learn all about the fascinating, profitable world of the home based mail order business. þ Advertise and take orders for the complete HOMEBIZ.101 package. Opportunities Online will dropship the kit to your customer. You keep $25.00 from every $30.00 sale! þ Advertise and take orders for any Opportunities Online Disk-Based publications. Opportunities Online will drop-ship the title to your customer for the shipping charge alone. (Usually $3.00). You keep $12.00 to $15.00 per sale! þ Advertise and take orders for The Mail Order PC Disk Publishing Start-Up Kit. Opportunities Online will drop-ship it to your customer for the shipping charge which is currently $3.00. You keep the $10.00 cover price! þ Advertise and take orders for un-classified advertising for The Mail Order PC Gazette and The Opportunities Online BBS. Send 50% of the money to Opportunities Online along with the customer's ad copy. Place your own ads at 50% discount! You keep $7.50 or more per sale! þ Advertise and take orders for any of the reports with reprint rights. Sell one, two, or all, in any combination. Use them in your own publi- cations. Assemble them into unique new products. Sell them as printed reports or as text files. Keep all of the money you receive for these! They are yours! Your income potential here is truly UNLIMITED! Copy to a disk for a quarter...sell for $5.00, $10.00, $20.00 or more! þ Advertise and take orders for CA$H.EXE. Send 50% to Opportunities Online who will drop-ship the item to your customer. If you purchase CA$H.EXE you can then keep 100% of the price. In fact, you can then set your own price! Remember, as a HOMEBIZ.101 dealer you get a 50% discount an all most current and future Opportunities Online products! That means you can pick up CA$H.EXE for $20.00, plus shipping, at a later date. IF YOU ORDER IT ALONG WITH HOMEBIZ.101 YOU CAN HAVE IT FOR $15.00 AND -NO- ADDITONAL SHIPPING!!! You can reproduce CA$H.EXE for about $1.00 and sell it for $40.00, or even more! þ Advertise and take orders for ADS.EXE. This is another Opportunities Online advertising dealership. Send 50% of money received and the customer's ad copy to Opportunities Online. ADS.EXE is an excellent advertising opportunitiy and will bring you repeat orders! þ Advertise and take orders for "The Family Computer Guide To Drugs And Drug Abuse". Keep $10.00 per sale of either the program or the program and dealership. Send the balance - $5.00 or $10.00, plus the $3.00 shipping charge to Opportunities Online. Sell to schools, stores, churches, parents, etc. The HOMEBIZ.101 package will have additional instructions for the drug program to tell you about selling site licenses for maximum income potential of $100.00 to $300.00 per sale! þ Make copies of the distributor's edition of The Mail Order PC Gazette. Advertise it for sale for anywhere from $1.00 to $10.00. Promote it as a home business opportunity catalog-newsletter-demo disk. Upload it to computer bulletin boards. All orders go directly to you! þ Earn additional income by operating your own commercial computer bulletin board system. You're limited only by your imagination here! Read the commericial BBS book in HOMEBIZ.101. And Most Important: You will learn to use your imagination and all available tools to create other profitable products and business opportunities that you can market and profit from in the comfort of your own home. þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ þ Opportunities Online continuously introduces new items. Sometimes these items replace existing items. Sometimes they are added to our existing product line. All products pay distributors a minimum of 50% commission. Some items pay 100% commission! þ Opportunities Online reserves the right to make any changes in products and/or prices at any time without notice. Of course, we only make these changes when they are beneficial to ALL concerned.